Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Day 3 (of 20)

Today in class

  • Discussed the Alex Haley article that we read in class yesterday.
  • Read the article "Shame" by Dick Gregory in the Langan text. Answered two questions about the article.
  • Submitted a one-page (about 250 words) analysis of the wikipedia article about your school.
  • Whole-class workshop of the drafts of the summary of the Wikipedia articles about your high school.
Homework for Wed 6/18
  • Respond to Wikipedia analysis drafts of your classmates, noting things you liked and things that could be added/taken out/changed to make the draft better. Refer to the handout "Responding to Drafts of Essay 1" for quidance.
  • Rewrite and revise the Wikipedia article summary about your school. Refer to the feedback from the class to help you revise.

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